With the Express and VE810 Small Engraving Machines, you can save and rename a job after sending it to the machine using the built-in touchscreen.
A) On the machine touch panel display:
B) Select Save Job
C) On the save job screen, the top buttons change the characters, and the bottom buttons change the character position.
D) Rename and save the job. The Green button with a white check mark saves the job name and exits this screen.
This is an effective tool if you are engraving different jobs and need to go back to a specific or repetitive job.
E) Once you rename and save a job, you cannot go back and change the same job. You need to send the job over again.
F) Here is a sample of renamed and saved jobs.
Check back next month for more Engraving or CNC Routing Quick Tips. Contact Vision Engraving & Routing Systems to learn more about renaming and saving a job on the Express Engraver and VE810 Engraver. Visit us online at www.visionengravers.com or call 1-888-637-1737. Be sure to check out our All Post List, lots of helpful Engraving Machines and CNC Routing info there.