When engraving plastics with a Vacuum Nosecone, the Nosecone can sometimes leave scratches on the surface of your engraving material. To keep scratches and friction to a minimum, apply a light amount of hairspray on the surface of the material being engraved. The hairspray creates a thin layer of residue to protect the engraving surface.
1. Spray a light coat of hair spray uniformly on the surface of the material you intend to engrave, most common brands of hair spray should work. If there is a protective plastic sheet on the material be sure to remove it before spraying. Do not apply hair spray while the material is on the engraving machine, you do not want to accidently spray the engraving table and insides of the engraver.

2. Once the hairspray has dried, place the material on the engraving machine and engrave it as usual. The layer of hairspray residue should protect your engraving surface from nosecone scratches.

3. When done engraving, use Windex to remove any hairspray residue to return the material’s surface back to it’s normal luster.
Check back next month for more Engraving Quick Tips. Contact Vision Engraving & Routing Systems to learn about Protecting Your Engraving Surface, or to request a free online engraving demo. Visit us online today at www.visionengravers.com or call 1-888-637-1737.